Nestlé - 
Nescafé Dolce Gusto



Industry: Retail
Technology: Eloqua - Marketing and BI Excellence


Customer lifecycle

Personalized customer journeys

Global roll-out

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"Countries are able to conduct targeted oriented marketing campaigns and track the results seamlessly based on a globally developed framework.“​


NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto (NDG) is part of the Nestlé Group. The brand sells coffee machines and coffee pads worldwide both online and in retail. With the start of the CRM project on Eloqua in 2010, NDG wanted to address the following challenges​

  • Bring global marketing organizations into a single CRM platform to promote consistency and economy of scale.
  • Transform the CRM strategy and create personalized journeys along the customer lifecycle.​
  • Leverage cross-selling and up-selling opportunities to support eCommerce.
  • Increase customer loyalty and improve revenue growth by increasing campaign effectiveness.
A Cup of Coffee


DIGITALL has been supporting NDG since 2010 as the global CRM partner by developing the following solutions on Eloqua: ​
  • Development of a complete Consumer Lifecycle framework based on master consumer journeys & segmentation.
  • Consolidation of all markets in all regions to a single data model and platform to ensure global standardization.​
  • Standardized package localization kits of the master programs for the markets (e.g. starter kit).​
  • Creation of in-depth solutions to extend the database across channels (surveys, competitions, Facebook, etc.).​
  • Creation of consolidated dashboards and reports.
Group of young people


  • Cost reduction and standardization by leveraging masters and best practices in more than 50 markets.​
  • Increased customer engagement and conversion on the web shop, improved performance through best practices and targeted communication (performance 4 to 10 times higher than batch- and blast campaigns).
Woman unpacks package

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